What is an Escort?

An escort is a person who acts as a paid companion, that is, someone whom a client pays to go with him or her to meetings, parties, outings to another city, etc. Hiring may or may not include sex. If it includes sex, it is a prostitute in Malaga, if it does not include sex, it is an escort.

What is a prostitute?

According to the RAE, a prostitute is a person who offers sex in exchange for money. It is said that it is the oldest profession in the world, in some countries it is illegal, in others legal and in others alegal.

Are there whores on this website?

The answer is no, there are no profiles that offer sexual services of whores on this website, all profiles have been previously reviewed, the girls who advertise on the web offer escort services to events or carry out activities. If you are looking for a whore, you should go to another website.

Are there differences between an escort and a companion?

No, there are not, but "escort" is an Anglo-Saxon term not collected by the RAE and "companion" comes from the verb to accompany, which means to be or go in company. So a companion would be a person who keeps company

Is prostitution prohibited in Spain?

No, prostitution is not prohibited in Spain, if it is true that Spain is tending to abolitionist practices which want to persecute pimping in all its forms but in itself, a whore in Spain can exercise freely and it is said that she will never be sanctioned.


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